- Editorial: Love Your Enemies? Michael Penny
- Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus: Romans 8:38,39: Carol O’Connor
- Young Searchers: A Look at the Book of James: Andrew Marple
- Hymns & Songs: In Heavenly Love Abiding: James Mead
- Encouragement through faith: Vicky Wilkinson
- God is … God is Great. God is Good. Let us be thankful: Laura Kestly
- True Fasting: Isaiah 58:1-9: Sylvia Penny
- I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you: Psalm 119:11: Doreen Phillips
- The Open Bible Trust’s Fellowship Weekend
- Going to war! Lionel Phillips
- Journeying Through James: Study 4: Questions on James 2:14-26: Michael Penny
- Meaning, Muddle and Mystery: 14: Forgiveness: Colin Smith
- Emails & Letters
- The Christian Church Today: 3. Bible Boundaries and ‘Church’ Teaching: Brian Sherring
- Latest Publication: Jephthah and his daughter: An Unlikely Hero? An Unfortunate Girl? Hazel Stephens and Michael Penny
- Comparing the Synoptic Gospels: 24. The Triumphal Entry: W M Henry
- Winter Watching
- Three Good Books on The Acts of the Apostles
Year of Publication - 2023