Privacy Policy – GDPR


The Open Bible Trust (“The OBT”) values everyone who engages with us by whatever means, and we do all we can to protect your privacy and to make sure the personal data you provide us is kept safe.

We are committed to ensuring that all relevant elements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are implemented and regularly reviewed to make sure that we are compliant.

In accordance with GDPR, we have updated our privacy policy and this policy explains what data we collect, how we collect it and how we use and store information. The policy also explains the legal basis for processing data, how long we will keep the data for, and what rights you have under GDPR.

Who are we?

Under GDPR, the OBT is the data controller. GDPR defines the data controller as “the person or body who/which has/have control over how personal data is handled within the organisation itself.” This means that the OBT is responsible for how your personal data is processed and for what purpose.

What personal data do we have?

The OBT holds the following personal information about you:

·       Name and contact details;

·       The date you first contacted the OBT or had your name given to us by a friend;

·       The date of renewal of your subscription for Searchand/or the Bible Study Booklets;

·       Details of other materials you have recently bought from us.

How do we process your personal data?

The OBT will comply with its obligations under GDPR:

·       by keeping personal data up to date;

·       by storing and destroying it securely;

·       by only collecting such data as are sufficient for and/or proportionate to the requirement;

·       by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure.

What is the legal basis for the processing of data?

The legal basis for the processing of the data we use at the OBT is Legitimate Interest, which is where we use the data you have already given us in a way you would reasonably expect, where there is limited privacy impact on the individual and where there is a clear benefit to you.

Legitimate Interestallows us to fulfil our purposes:

·       to undertake OBT business including:

o  the maintenance and integrity of the list of current and past Searchsubscribers;

o  the maintenance and integrity of the list of non-Search subscribers who have contacted us or whose information has been passed on by a friend, together with any recent purchases made from and donations made to the OBT;

o  the maintenance and integrity of accounting and financial records (including Searchsubscriptions and Gift Aid claims).

·       to undertake the work of the OBT including:

o  the dissemination of written and spoken Bible Study materials;

o  the running of study days/weekends, meetings and conferences from time to time;

o  correspondence on Biblical issues with the administrator and writers/speakers of the OBT.

Where do we get your personal data from?

We obtain your data from three main sources:

·       from you personally, when you reply to OBT advertisements in magazines or our website;

·       from you personally, when you give us your name and contact details at study days, conferences or resources exhibitions;

·       from your friends and personal contacts who give us your details as someone who might be interested in our material.

It has always been OBT policy never to purchase contact details of individuals from other organisations, and this policy will continue.

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data are treated as strictly confidential and we will never share or swop your contact details with other charities. We may need to pass on information if required by law or by a regulatory body, for example a Gift Aid audit by the HMRC or if we are asked for details from a law enforcement agency, or other official authority.  

How long do we keep your personal data?

If you are a Search subscriber and do not renew your subscription, we do not remove your details immediately as we have noted the fact that many people do contact us again within a year or two. However, if you do not contact us for five years your personal details will be removed from our records. Data relating to other non-Search subscribers are also deleted after five years of no contact with the OBT.

If you ever contact the OBT and ask for your name and contact details and history to be deleted, or to change your preferences on what you receive from us, or how we contact you, this will be done immediately. You can contact us:

·       by post to: The Administrator, The Open Bible Trust, Fordland Mount, Upper Basildon, Reading, RG8 8LU;

·       by email to:

·       by telephone to: 01491 671357.

What are your rights in relation to your personal data?

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

·       the right to request a copy of your personal data held by the OBT;

·       the right to request that the OBT corrects any personal data if they are found to be inaccurate or out of date;

·       the right to request your personal data are erased where it is no longer necessary for the OBT to retain such data;

·       the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time; 

·       the right, where there is a dispute in  relation to the accuracy or processing of your personal data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing; 

·       the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) – see address below.

Can we change the purposes for which we use your data?

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this privacy policy, we will notify you of this proposal. The notification will explain the new use of your personal data prior to commencing the processing, and explain why we consider this change to be appropriate. It will also set out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.

What are the contact details of the relevant organisations?

To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints, in the first instance please contact the data protection contact point within the OBT – The Administrator, The Open Bible Trust, Fordland Mount, Upper Basildon, Reading, RG8 8LU.

The Information Commissioner’s Office can be contacted at:

Postal address: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Helpline: 0303 123 1113