The main point in Brian Sherring’s book Music & Praise in the Life of the Believer was that the words used in hymns should reflect scriptural truths, and hence many of the best hymns were written by theologians. Likewise, prayer should be Bible based, and this is the prime focus of this book.
Tim Chester, in his book The Message of Prayer, quotes a church leader as saying, “When it comes to prayer we have not paid enough attention to the Bible ... we have a whole tradition of prayer with helps and guides which are not necessarily informed by Scripture.”
So, using the Bible as his source, the author looks at a wide variety of prayers and the different types of prayers, such as ... adoration … confession … intercession … supplication … thanksgiving.
He looks at when certain prayers were given and to whom, and questions whether we can apply some of them to ourselves today, such as the promise Christ gave to His disciples at the Last Supper, stating that they would receive whatever they asked for in His name (John 14:13-24).
The book has a large section on The Lord’s Prayer, considering, and throwing much new light, on each of its clauses. A book well-worth reading and, with its detailed indexes, is an excellent reference work for any library.