A variety of studies from Michael Penny, W. M. Henry, Cliff Richmond and others.
This MP3 disc is formatted for playing on a PC and some modern CD players. It can also be played on a DVD player.
Michael Penny – 36 studies
The responsibilities of Christians during the Acts Period – 2 studies
- The Responsibilities of Jewish Christians
- The Responsibilities of Gentile Christians
Prayer – 8 studies
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Repeated or Repetitious prayer
- Ask! Seek! Knock!
- Whatsoever you ask? Ask for anything?
- ‘Will’ or ‘May’ in prayer
- Unanswered Prayer.
- Pray for what and why? (part 1)
- Pray for what and why? (part 2)
Christ! Risen but not Ascended – 6 studies
- The events from the resurrection until the ascension
Salvation and Reward – 6 studies
- Studies distinguishing the difference between salvation by grace through faith and rewards that may be given by God.
Philippians – verse by verse – 14 studies
W.M. Henry – 3 studies
The Return of Christ – 3 Studies
Michael Penny and W M Henry – 21 studies
Who is Jesus? – 4 studies
Sit! Walk! Stand! – 4 studies
- The Christian life in Ephesians
Understanding Paul and His Letters – 3 studies
James: The Man and His Message – 10 Messages
- James: The Man – Michael Penny
- James: The Dating – Michael Penny
- James 1:1-8 – Michael Penny
- James 1:9-27 – W M Henry
- James 2 – Michael Penny
- James 3 – W M Henry
- James 4 – Michael Penny
- James 5:1-12 – Michael Penny
- James 5:13-20 – Michael Penny
- Summary – W M Henry
Number of Discs - 1
Number of Studies - 77