This is an introduction to the person Ezekiel, and his prophecy.
Most Christians find Ezekiel’s writings to be problematic. His bizarre visions, extraordinary behaviour and extravagant imagery have both fascinated and perplexed readers for more than 2,500 years. Even academics consider it the most difficult of all the prophetic books to understand. The usual reaction from the average Christian, after quickly scanning its content, is that the Book of Ezekiel is best left well alone.
So why this book on Ezekiel? The reason, the author says, is that if one studies the Gospel of John, there are the links to the Book of Ezekiel. There are the obvious ones, concerning shepherds and vines, but she says there are many others which, though they are allusions rather than direct citations, are nevertheless significant to our understanding.
If this is the case, it means that what Ezekiel wrote should be of great interest to Christians today.