Surely, one might say, that fact that the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is annually remembered and celebrated by Christians far out-weighs any quibbling over times and dates.
That may be true, but any such reaction to the title of thus study will quickly be dispelled. Through painstaking application of Scripture, and his good grasp of the Jewish calendar, the author exposes the traditional time-scale of these events to be untenable, and puts forward one which harmonises much more closely with the biblical record.
The great value in all this is not that we should necessarily alter the times of remembrance; rather it is in discovering just how perfectly the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the types and shadows contained in the Law and the Prophets. Dull Levitical ritual bursts into life as we appreciate more fully its wondrous significance in pointing to Israel's Messiah. Sadly, the false traditional time-table hides much of this edifying truth - truth designed by our God as confirmation for us of the great work of redemption accomplished by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Those who persevere with this study will find it to be a valuable faith building exercise, throwing much light upon the word of our God.