Within Christendom there is a wide variety of teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who has studies the subject from the pages of Scripture will not be surprised by this, for as we progress through the Bible we find that the work of the Sprit changes. Thus our view of the Spirit and His work will depend upon which parts of Scripture we focus on.
After Christ's ascension, for the next thirty or so years, there was a profusion of overt action from the Spirit, but what about after that? that is what this booklet considers. What was the work of the Spirit after the period of time covered by the Acts of the Apostles?
To answer that question we need to study the Spirit in the last seven letters of Paul; Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians, Titus 1 &2 Timothy. These were the letters Paul wrote after Acts 28:25-28, after the nation of Israel had lost its central position in God's plan, and after God had turned to the Gentiles, independently of Israel. In these letters we have essential teaching for this age of grace in which we live.2.00