- Editorial: Teach the young women to love their husbands: Michael Penny
- The Open Bible Trust Fellowship Weekend
- Young Searchers: Four Jameses: Andrew Marple
- Feedback: Your Letters
- Travelling Towards the Unknown: Vicky Wilkinson
- More Feedback:
- Meaning, Muddle & Mystery: 2 Belief: Colin Smith
- Peace: Sylvia Penny
- The Fruit of the Spirit
- God’s Love: Are you connected?: Laura Kestly
- Genesis Three: Adam and Eve and The Tree of Life (Genesis 3:16-24): Charles Ozanne
- The Curious Incident of Nicodemus in the Night-time (John 3:1-12): Eliza Wright
- Christian Resources Exhibition: Exeter: June 23 & 24, 2021
- Latest Publication: The Time Puzzles of John’s Gospel: Stationary Time: Eliza Wright
- The Lord’s Prayer: Context and relevance for today: 8. Forgiveness and the people of God: Brian Sherring
- Netflix or OBT YouTube Videos?: An Overview of the Gospels
- Comparing the Synoptic Gospels: 12. The Parables of Proclamation (Matthew 13:1-52): W M Henry
- The Book of Acts: 17. The Prime of the Apostles (Acts 5:12-16): Peter Mansell
- Important addresses
- Reading with a difference
Year of Publication - 2021