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The October 2016 edition of Search contains the following articles
- Editorial: Communism, The Quran, Christianity: Michael Penny
- Young Searchers: A Love that Never Fails: Andrew and Andrea Marple
- De-fuddling the Bible: Attitude: Colin Smith
- Look Up: Vicky Wilkinson
- Think about: In my Father’s House there are many mansions: Michael Penny
- Mapping the Lord’s Ministry: Cliff Richmond
- The Core of Communism, the Quran and Christianity
- Give thanks to the Lord: Laura Kestly
- Free Downloads
- Shopping on Amazon
- He gave them up: Lionel Phillips
- Feedback: Your Letters
- The Kingdom of Heaven is like Yeast: Sylvia Penny
- Parables: The Labourers in the Vineyard: Charles Ozanne
- Reading Conference: Unity in Christ
- Salvation in Seven Aspects: Sanctification: Brian Sherring
- The 2017 Open Bible Trust Fellowship Weekend
- Latest Publication: The Letters to The Seven Churches of Revelation
- Philippians 4:8-9