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The June 2013 edition of Search contains the following articles:
- Editorial: To Change … or not to change? That is the question! Michael Penny
- The Book of Job: Suffering, Pain and Patience: Study afternoons
- Job: Suffering and the Deep Things of God: Brian Sherring
- Young Searchers: Joseph—A Type of Christ: Andrew and Andrea Marple
- A Time to Keep Silent: Vicky Wilkinson
- Report on the OBT Fellowship Weekend
- Feedback: Your letters
- Paul’s Letter to the Romans: Background and Introduction: Brian Sherring
- Seven Feasts: The Feast of Trumpets: Charles Ozanne
- Philippians: The Epistle of Joy: R B Shiflet
- Philippians: Michael Penny
- DVDs on Philippians
- CDs on Philippians
- Following Philippians: W M Henry & Michael Penny
- By the Sweat of Your Face: Work! A Curse or a Blessing? Brian Sherring
- New DVDs: Biblical Prayer: Michael Penny
- Wisdom: Ancient and Modern: Roger Barnett
- Report of Delving Into Daniel study day.
- The Role of Suffering: Michael Paine
- The Cross: David Watson
Year of Publication - 2013