Jesus Christ left heaven's glory to come to this earth, the home of man, to be identified with us and to five hope to the lost state of all mankind. Coming to know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, by out acknowledgement of God's word of salvation which He accomplishes in and through Christ at Calvary, is a new beginning for all believers. Immediately upon belief we are "in Christ", and we have the hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus. However, interwoven in this hope is the believer's identification with Christ, which is the subject of this booklet.
The author takes the reader through the various steps of identification with Christ under the headings:
- Identification with Christ in His death and burial
- Identification with Christ in His resurrection from the dead
- Identification with Christ in His ascension
- Identification with Christ in His ascension in the higher heavens far above all
- Identification with Christ in His suffering.