BrianChapter 1. Prayer in General
Difficult clauses in the prayer
The Lord’s Prayer and Jewish liturgy
Chapter 2. Context and content of the prayer
Setting within the Sermon on the Mount
Textual Variations and structure: Matthew and Luke
Chapter 3. “Our Father” in its context
Background to The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father which art in heaven”
God as ‘Father’
Chapter 4. The Father and His dwelling place
Father in the Old Testament
Which art “in heaven”
The Heavenly Places (Ephesians)
Chapter 5. Hallowed be thy name
The name of God
“I-will-be-what-I-will be”
Chapter 6. Thy kingdom come (on earth)
The Kingdom of Heaven v. The Kingdom of God
The reign of God over the earth
Chapter 7. Give us this day our daily bread
Our daily bread, not my daily bread
Daily bread for the disciples
Daily bread and a ‘spiritual’ interpretation
Chapter 8. Forgiveness and the people of God
Attempts to deny this conclusion
To whom was The Lord’s Prayer given to initially?
Chapter 9. Temptation and the Evil One
Lead (us) not
Temptation and the kingdom
Chapter 10. The doxology and final thoughts
The Doxology
The Lord’s Prayer today
Final Thoughts