- Editorial: That Was The Year That Was: Michael Penny
- Stepping out in Faith: V Wilkinson
- Eve and the Angel of Light: Review by Debbie McGoldrick
- Christmas Word Search: Michael Penny
- The Shepherds and The Angels: A unique event in history: Sylvia Penny
- Latest Publication: The Natural Interpretation of the Bible: Roger Barnett
- Hymns and Songs: The Bethlehem Star: James Mead
- Joachim’s Advice: Richard Hudson
- Christian Resources Exhibition Report
- Feedback: emails and Letters
- The Good Shepherd: Reflections on John 10:1-21: Rosemary Clarke
- Ephesians: Study 4: Michael Penny
- Union with Christ: Study 1. Setting the Scene: W M Henry
- Life in Christ: William Campbell
- Considering Colossians: Study 7: Questions on Colossians 2:11-17 Michael Penny
- Another New Year: Don’t go it alone: Laura Kestly
- Why unity does not have to mean uniformity: Review by David Hall of Unity in Christ by W M Henry and Michael Penny
Year of Publication - 2024