56 studies with PowerPoint presentations
This Data Disc is formatted for playing on PCs and some modern CD players. It can also be played on a DVD player. As well as containing recordings of the studies, it also contains the PowerPoint presentations used by the speakers. These can be followed on-screen while listening to the studies.
Michael Penny
In Heavenly Places – 3 studies
- ‘In heavenly places’: a phrase unique to Ephesians.
- What does it mean and why does Paul use it?
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream in Daniel 2 – 1 study
Problems in Prayer – 3 studies
The Purpose of Parables – 3 studies
The Seventy Sevens of Daniel 9 – 1 study
Michael and Sylvia Penny
The Book of Job & Suffering – 3 studies
- An overview of Job—Sylvia Penny
- Job & suffering—Michael Penny
- The end-product of suffering– Michael Penny
W M Henry, Michael Penny, Sylvia Penny
Abraham and His Seed – 8 studies
- Setting the scene—W M Henry
- Abraham, the Man—Michael Penny
- The Lord’s Appearances to Abraham—Sylvia Penny
- Abraham’s Seed in the OT—W M Henry
- Abraham’s seed in the Gospels—S Penny
- Abraham’s Seed in Acts—Michael Penny
- Abraham’s seeds in Paul’s earlier letters—Michael Penny
- Abraham’s seed in Paul’s later letters—W M Henry
David and his Son – 7 studies
- Introducing David—a man after God’s heart: Sylvia Penny
- God’s covenant with David: William Henry
- The sons of David—Solomon, the son of promise: Sylvia Penny
- The Nation of Israel after Solomon: Michael Penny
- Messiah as Son of David in the Old Testament: William Henry
- Messiah (Jesus) as Son of David in the New Testament: Michael Penny
- Summing up: William Henry
Andrew Marple, Michael Penny, Sylvia Penny
The Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation – 9 studies
- The Background and Dating of Revelation—Michael Penny
- Ephesus—Sylvia Penny
- Smyrna—Andrew Marple
- Pergamum—Andrew Marple
- Thyatira—Sylvia Penny
- Sardis—Michael Penny
- Philadelphia—Andrew Marple
- Laodicea—Sylvia Penny
- Comparing the Seven Letters—Michael Penny
W M Henry, Andrew Marple, Michael Penny, Sylvia Penny
The Patriarchs – 5 studies
- Abraham—W M Henry
- Isaac—Sylvia Penny
- Jacob—Michael Penny
- Jacob / Israel—Michael Penny
- Joseph—Andrew Marple
W M Henry, Andrew Marple, Michael Penny, Cliff Richmond
The Speeches in Acts – 8 studies
- Introduction: Michael Penny
- Peter’s speeches to Jews: W M Henry
- Peter to Cornelius: Michael Penny
- Paul’s speeches to Jews and God-fearing Gentiles: Andrew Marple
- James’ to the Jerusalem Council: Cliff Richmond
- Paul to Pagans: W M Henry
- Paul to the Jews in Rome: Michael Penny
- Summing up and conclusion: W M Henry
W M Henry, Andrew Marple, Michael Penny, Sylvia Penny, Cliff Richmond, Vicky Wilkinson
The Exalted Christ – 7 studies
- John 1:1-5: Williams Henry
- Hebrews 1:1-4: Cliff Richmond
- Colossians 1:15-20: Sylvia Penny
- Ephesians 1:19-23: Michael Penny
- Philippians 2:6-11: Andrew Marple
- Testimony: Vicky Wilkinson
- Summary: Michael Penny